Attendance: Renae, Morgan, Jessica, Cheryl
Not in attendance: Kristina, Sara, Rich
Community Attendance: Brenda Naylor, Shelly Nance, Leslee Nance, Paul Nance, Michelle Landers, Dusty Nance, Matt Petty, Lance Allington, Rachael Dial
Community Time: Questions about CC&Rs for Renae/Cheryl to bring up to lawyer.
Bid for shower leak- Any Hour is the only one who sent their bid in, Kristina feels better about them anyway, moving forward with them
Siding on Whitney’s unit - update? Did it get fixed?- Renae to follow-up and see what did and did not get done.
Clubhouse interior painting bid- Sara bid out a few options for the board to vote on if Rich’s contact isn’t an option
Final decision on Gazebo- if neighbors are OK with it and it isn’t over 9ft
Tree removal update- still waiting for Cowboys to give a time period that we can notify the community members
Update contacts- Kristina will tackle the project
New items:
Sending past due statements/notices of keycard shut off- tabled
Reminder for not privately contacting board- tabled
Next year project proposals (Annual Calendar Plan)- tabled
Summer newsletter- tabled
Move In/Outs:
792 new owner moving/moved in this week