Attendance: Sara, Cheryl, Kristina, Jessica, Renae
Not in attendance: Rich, Morgan
Community Attendance: Jessica Cowden, Rachel Dial, Michelle Landers, Brenda Naylor, Leslee Nance, Paul Nance
Community Time: Pest control concern- Cheryl to follow up with them.
Tables items from the last meeting- tabled for next meeting
Update on crack seal and line painting- ?
Painting on clubhouse- Sara working on getting bids
Next year's project proposals/possible ideas- Gutter cleanout. Bay windows- get Renae's contact to give a bid (Mike).
Open Board Positions and Re-elections- two board positions available
Property Management Companies- property management and whether is it the best solution or not. Consider hiring someone to help fill in. Considering all options.
Reserves Analysis- how to keep making progress.
Rules and regulations review with members in attendance
New items:
Vote about whether to keep the hot tub open or not for the winter months. Could we save money? $1,000 could be saved.
Theater items are to be replaced if need be
Permission to put a sign on back fence to warn of dogs- vote on a dog picture.
Nance unit - (fence) check with Cowboy to get that fixed
Board to walk around where to shut off the water in case of emergency
Shutters fixed
GFI fixed
Move In/Outs:
- none at this time
The next HOA meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 13th @7:00 pm. We hope to see you all there