Attendance: Morgan, John, Kristina, Rich, Cheryl, Riley (accountant)
Not in attendance: Janell
Community in attendance: None
-delinquency review: Lien on units- board
-lot sale: reaching out to Craig interest in lot-Renea
-cleaners: Bids. Renea meeting with another bid tomorrow-pending
-barbell/gym equipment bids: bar ordered and estimated to arrive by (8/15)-Kristina
ordering treadmill/ date to be determined-Renea
-security system decision: no need at this time
-status on auto fill for pool: Should be installed Friday (8/12)
-painting bid update for 2023: Check with Craig and other bids
New Items:
-re-election status: Check who is up for re-election.
-agenda items for 2023 budget: due increase ideas and lot sale
- Crack and lines on asphalt - budget for 2023
- Add a fee list to our website - attach to CC&R
-shrubs alive and dead including ones in the pool area: Cowboy will add mulch 2 inches deep starting sometimes next week. Should be about a two day project.
-holes in the lawn filled and re-seed- fixing the holes and planting the bushes.
-weeds in dumpster pavement areas and elsewhere: this issues is in the process of being resolved
-hanging trees: discuss with Cowboy about trimming trees that are getting to close to cars
-Units with trees in backyards that are causing issues need notice to remove -Cheryl
Move In/Outs:
-none at this time
Voting Items:
Vote to increase dues 15% - everyone is agreement