Attendance: Sara, Morgan, Renea, Cheryl
Not in attendance: John, Rich
Community Time:
CC&RS Review- Draft review is done by the next meeting to review things over to confirm.
Remedy for RV and Parking - tab in RV parking Kristina and Cheryl to go through. Add RV parking to contacts and get new keys for parking RV parking.
Carport unit issues- working to resolve this issue.
New items:
Clubhouse stuff for June when Sara is gone - team work together to take care of what needs to be done while Sara is gone. End of May to the 1st week of July.
Dumpster clean up - April = Kristina
The sound system in the theater room- Craig to look at the lock and check the correct connections and surround system.
Are arrangements already in place for the pool opening?- Open pool be serviced around May 12th but not open to the community until Memorial Day weekend. The pool company needs time to make sure everything is properly working before the pool can open to the community.
Spring Newsletter - Morgan to send that out to the community. April 2023 newsletter.
Sprinkler turn on- TBD
Move In/Outs:
775 for sale
Voting matters:
New Board voted in Jessica Gilliland - a temp board member.