April 13, 2022
In attendance:
Janelle, Cheryl, Renae, Morgan, Rich, Kristina.
Brianne not in attendance.
Community attendance:
Jensen and Whitney
Community Time:
Whitney's concern of dead bushes. Second phase of bushes should start within the next 6 weeks.
Google fiber- waiting for an update early next year.
Pool tile and resurfacing update- Still on for Memorial Day weekend.
Lights in spa- Rich to follow up with contact. Light install for spa.
Fence paint day- April 30th,1:00 pm. Depending on Weather. Will keep the community posted.
Renea will be getting supplies.
Outside chimney brick-(Craig) - working on finding brick with Craig.
Hot tub update: used 33 times by 11 households ~one hour or less per use
New Items:
Balconies, Window box request- Craig fixed the last one, working with the owner, waiting for warmer weather to follow up repairs.
Excess and split wires at clubhouse- this matter has been taken care of
Power box does it need to be locked? - Craig to check
Brianne replacement- Brian McCampbell: dues paid. Until October.
Morgan maternity help- Janelle and Kristina to check registration forms. Help anyway possible.
New Passwords- new password change
Agenda Items:
Dumpster- April (Kristina), May (Renea) - Dumpsters are looking good.
Insurance renewal- (Cheryl & Janell)- going up $2,000 each year. Statewide increase. Increasing the building structure. Check with Dean/ push back or middle ground option. Cheryl will follow up.
Community email Springtime email- Update the community along with city wide clean up days
Fence repair Cloward/Parmley- fixed and done
Shrub 708 North (Pratt)- taken care of
Pest spray on the main annual agenda for April spray? -Moxie, Cheryl will check with Moxie for community's next spray.
Next meeting May 11th @ 7:00