The Willows Of Springville Monthly HOA Meeting. Wednesday July 11, 2018 @ 7:00 pm In attendance: Allison, Michael, Ryan, Spencer, Kristina and Rich Not in attendance : Renae
Allison : * Playground update: Currently waiting to here from our installer of when the park will be installed.
* Clubhouse follow up: theater room furniture rehab: we are currently looking into either replacing or rehabbing the current couches in the theater room.
* New President – new board member position will be available.
* Clubhouse signs/contact info change – change of contact info with new board members contact information.
* Garbage enclosures – contacting landscape to have these cleaned out.
* Pool Closure procedure training – Allison trained all board members in attendance the proper way to turn off outside showers properly.
Renae: * Will be calling in talk about pool guests.
Michael: * Mid- year finance budget review
* Basketball hoop – it was brought to the boards attention that the new basketball hoop looked crooked. Pictures were taken and reviewed. We are getting this matter taken care of.
* Water Damage Claim
Ryan: * Sprinkler repairs
* Cats – as a board we remind our community to not feed any stray cats. Please contact the HOA board to report anyone doing so.
* Bees – it seems there has been an increase of bees this year. Just a friendly reminder that Bees are part of our natural habitat. We are doing our best as a board to help our community with the increase of Bees.
Spencer: * Theater room – HOA board is aware of the issues with the TV in the theater room. We have located the issue and the matter is being taken care of.
* Gym door – our community may have noticed that the door in the gym hasn’t been working. We are aware and the matter is being fixed.
* Keycard lending
Kristina : * Keycard system – getting bids for a possible new keycard system or update of current system.
* Move in/ move outs _________________________________________________________________ There are no voting matters at this time