The Willows HOA Monthly Meeting September 12, 2018 @ 7:00 pm In attendance : Renae, Michael, Ryan, Spencer, Kristina, Sarah, Rich
* Blue Ray player/ Theater Room Updates : Blue-Ray player in theater room is fixed. Thank you for your patients in fixing this matter.
* Pool Company Review New pool company we used this year did a great job. Pool will be closing the end of September.
* Turning off Pool Showers With the weather changing the pool showers will be turned off at the same time as the pool closer for the winter season. The hot tub will remain open during the winter season.
* Cleaning Company Review Cleaning company will stay as is.
* 2019 Propose budget review * Bid Review
* Playground Update/ Next Step Update: As a board we understand your concern and frustration with this process. It has been frustrating for everyone. Still waiting on the correct ramp to be installed and soft fall to be placed in the playground area. (soft fall is wood chips) Please be patient as we work on getting this all figured out and squared away. Please remember to stay off the playground area until the soft fall is installed. Thank you for your patients as we get this park installed and finished.
* Schedule Pool Closing (this month) Pool will be closing Friday September 21, 2018
* Turn off Water/Sprinklers (this month)
* Move in/outs
* keycard/waiting on bids waiting on a bid from Procom Security. Updating and getting new key cards.
* Sign on door Updating information