Monthly HOA Board Meeting
Thursday, November 14, 2019
@7:00 pm
In Attendance: Janell Hampton, Kristina Mower, Cheryl Wilson, Ryan Williams
Call-In: Renae Bowen
Absent: Spencer Maxfield and Rich Davis
Community Member in attendance: Rachel Gardner
Community Time:
Any Questions/Concerns/Comments?
Small Park Mulch Email Question – it was brought to the boards attention, concern about the little park and how deep the step into the little playground area is. Since the weather is changing this will be fixed come first Spring. We will let the community know when it the time gets closer. The attentive plan is come March / April to bring in a truck load of soft fall to fill in the little park area.
Assignments Review/Tabled Items:
Large Item Haul Away – Completed: There were some broken and non-usable, unsafe gym equipment removed from the gym area. Also removed were some large items left behind some units along with a grill and other large items left by the dumpsters.
Carpet Cleaning Follow Up – The carpet area in the clubhouse great room was cleaned this past Wednesday. Zerorez was the company hired. Stanley Steamer was the company we used in the past. Zerorez did a very good job and we are happy with the way it looks compared to how it was.
REVISIT – Annual Calendar Creation- Have a calendar for us as a Board (follow up with Spencer and Rich) – include HOA meetings, pool opening, cleaning days, etc.
Email Updates and Overhaul- Kristina will continue to keep up the blog then pass the information and minutes to Renae who will pass that along to Elizabeth Taylor our community member in charge of the community Facebook page.
New Business:
CC&R Review – As a board we are committed to our community. As a new board we feel it’s important to review every meeting a portion of the CC&Rs. To understand and stay current with understanding the CC&R rules – make notes that especially pertain to us and each board members duties.
Holiday Extra Trash/Recycling Pick-Up? A week before Christmas. Cheryl will schedule extra trash pick up. Janell will find out more about recycling. We will let the community know the dates of the extra pick up as soon as we get the date scheduled.
Board Duties and Project Timelines and Expectations – meeting minutes should be posted on the blog by the following Monday or within two business days.
Look at purchasing a printer for the office
Pool Furniture Moved In tonight. – The pool furniture has been moved into the women’s bathroom. Some of the pool furniture did not fit. Please be aware that remaining furniture is under the awning by the showers. Please do not climb on those or pull them out.
Kristina will be getting with Spencer to coordinate with cleaners for the clubhouse. Need to have a checklist. Need to have the cleaners bill regularly.
Check in with Spencer to fix the door to the pool – Kristina had worked with Procom on fixing the door going out to the pool area. The issue was fixed but then discovered is wasn’t working properly again. Spencer met with Procom to fix this issue again. It was discovered at the board meeting that the door wasn’t working again. Spencer will follow up with Procom to hopefully resolve this issue once and for all.
XFINITY Cocoa Bar date – XFINITY has so kindly offered to throw a Cocoa Bar for our community members. The date for that is scheduled for Thursday, January 9th, 6-7 pm. Please join us for our monthly board meeting following the XFINITY Cocoa Bar.
Allstate (Rich) community activity date
Reserve Improvement Project – Ideas