January 14, 2020
In Attendance: Renae Bowen, Janell Hampton, Cheryl Wilson, Kristina Mower, Spencer Maxfield, Morgan Honeyman, Rich Davis
Absent: NA
Community Time:
Assignments Review/Tabled Items:
Dumpster Clean: January = Morgan; February = Cheryl
Shutters – Shutters should arrive on the 29th and painter will get us a gallon of the grey paint.
New Business:
Move Ins/Outs:
Welcome Packet Update
Riley gets something from Title company. Typically has the name address
Payment info (the PO Box & dues amount)
Contact information
Who to contact for clubhouse keycards
Include the keycard agreement form
Move in/outs reminders – when to contact board and what to do.
24-48 hour memo
Fines for Dumpster and Illegal Parking Violators
Email/Text/Call Renter AND Owner about fine and inform Treasurer of fine amount to come in with HOA dues
Inform Morgan of fine to turn off keycard
*** Kristina will get contact info. To Renae for van parking.
HOA Fine Policy
First offense: Key card access revoked for two weeks or pay $25 for early activation.
Second offense: Key card access will be revoked for one month or pay $50 for early activation.
Third offense: A $50 fine will be assessed for each successive infraction
Deck Repairs
2nd Flooring Quote
Treadmill Replacement – part replacement for $100 or buy a new treadmill
Beehives – Feb. Agenda – decide on beehive marking process and send out first notice. Hornet traps?
Treasurer – Submit Accounting File to Tax Prep – probably submitting by last year.