The Willows of Springville Home Owners Association Board Meeting Wednesday, June 12, 2013 – Clubhouse at 7p Present: Rich, Allison, Amber, Mike, Emily, Erin, and Jim (all) Rich
Dish Network Update – received clubhouse Dish bill; paid annually
Elliptical Update – Warranty for commercial elliptical machine not available; lifetime warranty available on personal use machine; board voted to purchase commercial machine for durability and quality for $1699 + $100 installation. Elliptical will be purchased in July with money from garbage/recycling savings. (voting record listed below)
City Bills Update – slight water savings for April; significant savings on sewage bill for April
Asphalt Work, Carports – Rich contacted Bonneville, who sealed the cracks in the asphalt 2 years ago; he left a message and has not heard back; he will contact them again to see if we can do more work with asphalt; Rich will also call around for bids on carport repairs.
Reserve Account – refer to Amber below
FHA Loan Approval – A potential home buyer contacted board stating she cannot purchase an FHA loan in the subdivision because we are not approved. As a board we are skeptical about the third party company. Allison, Amber, and Rich will do further research into the company and claim before taking further action.
Doggie Pail Across the Street – Receptacle has been missed by landscaping company. Mike will contact Devin to have it emptied.
Recycle Bin by Mailbox – Residents have been using recycling bin as garbage can; Springville City has not emptied it; decided by the board to move it back to the back of the subdivision with other cans.
Cats – Officer Fenstermaker of animal control will provide one trap to catch feral cats. Allison will send community email so cat owners will be aware of traps.
Monthly Financial Report – Due to swimming pool being open, only 3 units are behind on dues; 6 units caught up.
Reserve Account – Board opted to move $11,000 from savings account to operational checking account; will also research different credit unions to move savings and checking accounts to.
Landscaping/watering update – Discussed complaints by residents and well as compliments
New owners and renters? – Discussed residents who have moved out/in
Mattress by Dumpster – Emily will take care of after failed attempt by board to find who left it
Pool Age Limit – Members using pool must by at least 14 years old. Residents must be at least 18 years old to use clubhouse.
Universal Machine – Cables/pulleys need repairs; parts ordered and will arrive in 2 weeks; Erin will add “Out of Order” or “Use at Own Risk” sign on machine to avoid injuries
Signs for Theater Room – due to recent issue of residents pulling out plugs and causing many problems with projector and other systems, Erin will add a sign in front of the plugs to avoid the issue again.
Pool and Hot Tub Heaters – breakers powering the water heaters keep tripping resulting in the heaters turning off. Emily will look into it.
Clubhouse Parking – Issue with residents and non-residents parking along mailbox curb. This issue results in problems with cars in parking spots being unable to back out as well as thru traffic being congested. Board decided there is nothing affective that we can do to prevent this.
No business
Voting Record Proposed: Purchase commercial-grade elliptical machine instead of personal-use elliptical machine For: Rich, Jim, Allison, Mike, Emily, Erin, and Amber (all) Against: None -MOTION PASSED- Votes held between meetings: Proposed: Purchase parts needed to repair universal machine in clubhouse (board viewed invoice) For: Rich, Allison, Amber, Emily, and Erin No vote: Jim and Mike -MOTION PASSED-