The Willows of Springville Home Owners Association Board Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 2013 – Clubhouse at 7p
Present: Rich, Allison, Amber, Erin, and Mike Not Present: Emily and Jim
Elliptical Update – We will be purchasing a new elliptical machine for the clubhouse this month.
Cats – We will be setting traps for feral cats and purchasing additional cat repellant materials to combat the feral cat populations.
Backyard Trees – We will send out an email to various unit owners regarding their responsibility towards the trees in the back yards. The concern is that the roots are growing too deep and will end up spreading into the foundations, other units’ property, and common areas. If this occurs, it would be extremely costly to fix. This would NOT fall under the responsibility of the HOA to pay for damages caused by trees.
Monthly Financial Report – 3 units with past dues for a total of $265.60.
Change Credit Union – We will be setting up a new business account with UCCU, see Voting Record.
Landscape Update – Mike will contact Devin about cleaning dumpsters, getting rid of growing mushrooms, and unevenness of bushes.
Dumpster flaps – Mike will contact Allied Waste about getting the flaps of the dumpsters replaced.
Emily (Not in Attendance)
No business
Broken Showers – Erin will contact Jim about the showers to get them fixed.
Universal Machine – Erin will purchase new caps for the cables. Pulleys have been replaced.
Reservations – If guests stay past the 4 hours, they will be charged $10 per hour. This charge will be put on their account. Amber will contact Tawnya for each unit.
Jim (Not in Attendance)
No business
Voting Record Proposed: To close checking account with Bonneville and to close savings account with America First and to open a business account and savings account with UCCU. For – Rich, Allison, Amber, Mike Opposed – None -MOTION PASSED-
No votes held between meetings.