Happy Wednesday everyone! Last night’s Board meeting included good feedback from community members and resulted in decisions which will increase transparency to keep the community informed of community issues and Board responses. Here are some highlights from last night’s meeting:
-D&T Landscaping was present to propose the 2011 landscaping contract, A lot more specificity was drafted into the contract with a round or two of revisions to come so that there is less room for interpretation of duties and more accountability for performance and resident satisfaction. A number of issues that were presented during the annual meeting in October, as well as recent requests by residents, were addressed and we feel that these issues will be adequately resolved.
-Positions and duties among Board members were restructured. There are currently 6 Board members with one vacancy that needs to be filled.
-Future Board agendas will be distributed electronically as well as posted physically in the Clubhouse prior to Board meetings so community members can know what items of business will be discussed during that month’s meeting. In addition, meeting minutes will likewise be posted both electronically and physically for community members to review if they were unable to attend the meeting to see the results of the Board’s decisions. We really feel that by taking these steps everyone will be much better informed about current issues and how they are being managed.
On a side note, regarding the Universal machine in the gym… Champion Fitness was out on Monday, the 13th to make final repairs to the machine only to again find out that they possessed insufficient materials to complete the repair. I believe this will be the last go around with Champion Fitness and while they will likely be able to complete repairs before end-of-month another fitness machine repair service will be identified and called upon should repairs be needed in the future. I, personally, appreciate every one’s patience with respect to these seemingly endless rounds of unsuccessful repair attempts.
That’s all that comes to mind at the moment. Wishing you well and warmth on this snowy, December day! Happy holidays! -Michael