The Willows of Springville Home Owners Association Board Meeting Wednesday, August 14, 2013 – Clubhouse at 7p
Present: Rich, Amber, Erin, Emily, Mike and Jim Not Present: Allison Rich
Elliptical – New elliptical machine was delivered last Saturday. A couple small pieces were missing. Sears will return to fix or replace the machine.
Bonneville Asphalt – Rich and Jim did a walk-around with representative who gave them a quote for service of sealing cracks, sealing gutters/edges, striping and doing a top layer. All prices were cheaper than previous quote from two years ago. See voting record below.
Unit 38 wind damage – broken fence; HOA will work with resident
793 North roof leak – need more information from homeowner to determine if it’s HOA responsibility.
Water Report – Received report from “Slow the Flow” concerning our water usage
Allison (Not in Attendance)
Cat Owner update/ Cat repellant – We have caught 10 cats in our cat trap in the last month. Animal control has taken the cats to the pound. Allison is unable to find the cat repellant we’ve previously purchased.
Trash Dumpster Signs – Residents are concerned about large items/furniture being placed around dumpsters. The garbage company will not pick up items not in the dumpster which creates issue for community. The suggestion to place signs on the dumpster gates was places. See voting record below.
Dog waste (D&T)/ Dog DNA – Mike will remind landscapers to empty dog waste containers. Will discuss dog DNA further at another time. This was suggested to locate the owners who do not pick up after their pets.
Reserve Analysis – A realtor requested to see our “Reserve Analysis” which none of us had heard of. Amber researched the subject, thoroughly, and cannot find any official documentation – only blogs concerning this report. End of discussion.
Monthly Financial Report – 1 resident did not pay dues for July and 2 units did not pay the late fee; 2 units caught up on dues from last month
Accounts Update – Amber was able to close account with America First. Currently money is at Bonneville until paperwork is completed with UCCU.
Landscaping Update – Mike will contact Devin with D&T and have him remove/replace dead bushes on 175 East; also to remove dead tree in front of clubhouse
New owners/renters – discussed who’s moved so key card can be deactivated
Pest Control – HOA has not received complaints about wasps this year, so we will not do a separate treatment like we did last year. Emily will schedule routine treatment in September.
No Business
Voting Record Proposed: Have Bonneville Asphalt come and seal cracks, gutters/edges, and re-stripe at the end of September/first of October. For: Rich, Amber, Erin, Emily, and Jim Abstained: Mike -MOTION PASSED-
Proposed: Increase transfer fees from 2 months to 3 months upon buying a unit effective October 1. For: Rich, Mike, Amber, Jim, and Erin Abstained: Emily -MOTION PASSED-
Proposed: Make signs for the dumpster gates to discourage the placing of large items/furniture around dumpsters. For: Allison Against: Emily, Erin, Mike, Jim Abstained: Rich -MOTION REJECTED-